Désirée Kraft

... är Reiki-master och ett Spirit Art Medium.


Vi delar alla samma Dröm

I en värld i Skönhet är det Drömmen som förenar oss alla

Vägen till hur vi kan skapa En Värld i Skönhet,
kan förmedlas av våra vänner djuren

Kanske möter du ett djur i en dröm
- ett kraftdjur - som är din andliga guide - i en djurskepnad

Eller så kanske du ska skärpa dina sinnen lite extra,
lära dig att kommunicera med levande djur.....öppna dina ögon,
även ditt inre seende...
ansträng dig inte, försök att bara vara, ta fram ett block och penna,
skriv ner det som kommer till dig under tiden du sitter bredvid din katt,
hund, fågel, kanin, häst, sköldpadda, orm osv..

Låt djuren vara dina vägvisare och berätta för dig om
hur du kan skapa Ett Liv I Skönhet

Enligt en del traditioner har varje människa nio olika kraftdjur som finns med
under livet...
Dom representerar våra inre förmågor och tillgångar,
men även våra andliga lektioner och utmaningar
Du kan be dom om hjälp när du står inför ett vägskäl,
när du behöver kraft eller står inför en utmaning

Vargen som kraftdjur kan stå för att man är en lärare,
att den intuitiva sidan kan hjälpa andra
men även att du ska lära dig att lyssna till din intuition

Jamie Sams and David Carson - in the spirit of the Wolf clan...

WOLF is the pathfinder,
the forerunner of new ideas
who returns to the clan to teach and share medicin.

Wolf takes one mate for life and is loyal like Dog.
If you were to keep company with Wolves,
you would find an enormous sense of family within the pack, as well as a strong individualistic urge.
These qualites make Wolf very much like the human race.
As humans we also have an ability to be a part of society and yet still embody our individual dreams and ideas.

In the Great Star Nation,
Wolf is represented by the Dog Star, Sirius,
which legend tells us was the original home of our teachers in ancient times.
Sirius was thought to be home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians,
and is still considered so by the Dogan tribe in Africa.
It stands to reason that Native American peoples tribe
formulate the same connection and adopt Wolf people as the clan of teachers.
The sense of Wolf are very keen, and the Moon is its power ally.
The Moon is the symbol for psychic energy,
or the unconscious that holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom.
Baying at the Moon may be an indication of Wolf´s desire
to connect with new ideas which are just below the surface of consciousness.

Wolf medicin empowers the teacher within us all to come forth and aid the children of Earth in understanding the Great Mystery and life.

If Wolf is coming in your dreams, life....
you may be able to share your personal medicin with others.
Your intuitive side may also have an answer or teaching
for your personal use at this time.
As you feel Wolf coming alive within you, you may wish to share your knowledge by writing or lecturing on information that will help others better understand their
uniqueness or path in life.
In this the sharing of great truths that the consciousness of humanity will attain new heights. Wolf can also be telling you to seek out loney places that will allow you to see your teacher within.
In aloneness of a power place, devoid of other humans, you will find the true you. Look for teachings no matter where you are.

Wolf would not come to you unless you request
the apperance of the tribe´s greatest teacher.

The gift of wisdom will comes to you when you have walked enough pathways and found enough dead ends to truly know your forest. In the discovery and rediscovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing ever remains the same.
Wolf may also be telling you that stagnation or fear asserting your viewpoint has
bogged down the flow of change in your life.

To live is to grow,
and growing comes
through accepting all life forms
as your teacher

(delar från boken Medicine cards)

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